Nintendo releases the SNES in the UK

11th April 1992
Nintendo releases the SNES in the UK

The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) is a 16-bit games console developed by Nintendo. It is the successor to the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

Nintendo launched the SNES in Japan on the 21st November 1990, then North America on the 23rd August 23 1991. 14 Months after the Japanese launch, Nintendo released the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in the UK and the Republic of Ireland on the 11th April 1992.

At launch in the UK, the SNES cost £149.99. It was sold with two controllers and a copy of Super Mario World. Just two other games were available at launch: F-Zero and Super Tennis.

The SNES had different names in some parts of the world. In Japan, it was called the Super Famicom (SFC). In South Korea, it was called the Super Comboy.

Related information:


  • UK print ad for the SNES
    Credit: Nintendo. Images remain the copyright of the original copyright holder. Used under fair use policy for educational purposes only.

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Nintendo releases the SNES in the UK

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